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RoseDream Wedding in a Summer HomeRose

  Festive Celebration for the Happy Couple - Groomsman in Chains
dph - Norderstedt, 31.12.99 A dream came true on the last day of the old millenium! On that morning Herr Hugo von Lilienthal took his bride, Lady Lunia von Pritzewalk, to the Holy Tree Stump and swore his fidelity, "until the bore-hole closes itself forever".
(Wicked tongues will say he would have asked, "What? Hoooow long?" and would have turned pale, but that is really just a vicious rumor.)

Lady Lunia was so happy, she wanted to shout her "yes" for the world to hear, but she came to her senses and instead whispered it very tenderly. A tender blush rose to her cheeks and complemented the tender silk which tenderly enwrapped her. (It is uncertain why silkworms don't come to the festivities; they wrap themselves in tender threads and contradictions.)

The wedding went without a hitch, although once Best Man Ede fell from his chair along with his iron ball. (His neighbor swears, almost believably, that Ede was sober.)
Ede unten What caused it all ?
The crowd celebrated the happy couple, showering them with sawdust and pollen and wishing them endless happiness and 1000 snow-white eggs.
Svenja caught the bridal bouquet, and snuck a quick, embarassed peek at Dollino.
junges Pärchen
The newlyweds rode to the wedding party in a beautiful coach drawn by 6 centipedes. At the party, the couple first had to undergo a test : Hugo had to bore a hole into the beer keg. He accomplished that without effort. Lunia's test was to nibble upon a wooden platter, so that the outline of Hugo's face could be recognized. Because in her excitement she ate up half of the platter, her punishment was to kiss all of the bachelors. (Never mind the fact that our reporter sprinkled the platter with sugar !!)

The wedding supper took place in the loveliest sunshine. The meal began with woody asparagus with charwood splinters and slices of wooden apples, all served up on wooden platters. The second course was bamboo shoots in sweet-sour thistle juice, richly garnished with salad leaves (which the snails particularly enjoyed).
Röstholz auf Salatcharwood with salad
The third course could not be served, because there were no wooden platters to be found!
For drinking, fresh dew, beer, and alcohol-sap were available, and the kids slurped fruit juice and root beer. Once the proprietor's beer keg was full of holes, the snails couldn't be stopped. The woodworms, in comparison, either stood back discreetly or disappeared into the keg. Many voices were to be heard crying :
"waiter, a beer , but quick !"

The formal speech for the occasion was given by Gottfried von Bohrs, who, after five minutes, formally spoke occasionally. Everyone had to talk him into the fact that he had talked the subject out already. His whole speech is not even worth speaking about.

The rollercoaster provided by  Werner Wurm ensured plenty of fun.  Free rides for all, which meant that soon almost everybody was pretty dizzy. (We stress the fact that our reporter only held himself steady with the supporting post and did NOT want to eat it!)
Achterbahn For free !

When the music started, young Daisy began to dance, beautifully and with much feeling. She turned and twisted... and twisted... and twisted... after 15 minutes this twisted little girl had to be twisted out of her twisted little hole.

Twilight fell, the guests began to leave, and the drunks... didn't want to finish the last of their glasses.
The newlyweds were escorted by countless glowworms to their new home, which their friends had secretly bored for them. Some of the bored ones even wanted to escort the couple into their nuptual home, but Lunia nicely - but firmly - closed the door.

The guests bored themselves into a stump reserved for the occasion or fell asleep tucked into salad leaves. And so ended the first day of the celebration. The next days will probably pass similarly.

We have been burdened  with some riddles by the Best Man, who did not want to part with his ball. (It is not true that our reporter threatened him with violence!)
Although Ede claims this to be his bowling ball, it is uncertain why he has chained it to his neck.

Also read about : "The Day After ..."

The Wedding Portrait

Herzlichen Dank für die Übersetzung an EvaSara Tullier


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